Gaurav Mantri's Personal Blog.

Effective way of fetching diagnostics data from Windows Azure Diagnostics Table (Hint: Use PartitionKey)

As we all know Windows Azure Diagnostics data is stored in Windows Azure Storage. Depending on the kind of diagnostics data being collected, it could either store in Table Storage (WAD* tables e.g. WADLogsTable table for trace logs data) or Blob Storage (wad-* blob containers e.g. wad-crash-dumps … [Read more...]

World Clock – An HTML5/JS based Windows 8 Metro Application – Part 2: Adding a basic clock

In the previous post we talked about the project setup, system defined styles and a little bit about navigation. In this post we will extend that project and create a simple clock which will display current date/time. We will be using concepts like navigation, data binding, converters etc. in this … [Read more...]

World Clock – An HTML5/JS based Windows 8 Metro Application – Part 1: Setting Up

In my last post (, I talked about my experience building my first Windows 8 Metro application. Now I am going to talk about how I built the application. In this post, we will just cover setting up the project and what … [Read more...]

Building First Windows 8 Metro Application

Of late I have been playing a lot with Windows 8 and wanted to learn about Metro applications. For me the best way to learn a new technology is by building an application using that technology. I have been working a lot with WPF for the products we’re building at Cerebrata, I thought it would be … [Read more...]