Gaurav Mantri's Personal Blog.

Archives for August 2012

How I Built an “Awesome Chat” application for Windows 8 with Windows Azure Mobile Service

In this blog post, I’m going to talk about how I built a Windows 8 application using Windows Azure Mobile Service. Windows Azure Mobile Service is the newest Windows Azure Services that you can use to provide backend services for your mobile applications (currently Windows 8, more coming soon). You … [Read more...]

Cerebrata Story – Marketing

In the previous post about Cloud Storage Studio, I walked you through our experience about building a product and making it commercially available. Now we were left with a gigantic task – How to market the product? In this post I will talk about what all things we did for marketing our products … [Read more...]

Cerebrata Story–Cloud Storage Studio

In the last post about our Cloud Storage Studio/e product, I mentioned how we stopped working on that product in favor of a desktop based product. In this blog post, I will write some details about building a product which turned out to be the flagship product for Cerebrata – Cloud Storage … [Read more...]