Gaurav Mantri's Personal Blog.

Archives for February 2013

Uploading Large Files in Windows Azure Blob Storage Using Shared Access Signature, HTML, and JavaScript

In my last post I talked about Shared Access Signature feature of Windows Azure Storage. You can read that post here: In this post we’ll put that to some practical use :). One thing I wanted to accomplish … [Read more...]

Revisiting Windows Azure Shared Access Signature

In this blog post, we’ll talk about Shared Access Signature (SAS) functionality in Windows Azure. Steve Marx (@smarx) wrote excellent blog posts on the same subject a few years ago which you can read here:, … [Read more...]

Workaround for IIS Express Crashing When Running Windows Azure Cloud Service Web Role with Multiple Instances in Windows Azure SDK 1.8 Compute Emulator

I ran into this weird issue when developing a very simple Windows Azure Cloud Service Web Role using Windows Azure SDK 1.8. I started off with a basic ASP.Net MVC 4 Web Role with no changes whatsoever. When I tried to debug it with just one instance running, everything worked great. The moment I … [Read more...]