Recently Azure Storage team announced the availability of blob versions. A blob version essentially represents the state of a blob (in terms of content, properties and metadata etc.) at a particular point of time. Azure Storage automatically creates a new version of a blob whenever it is modified or … [Read more...]
Attitude Matters (When It Comes To Winning Users Over)!
Earlier this month we deprecated our flagship product (Azure Management Studio) and replaced that with a brand-new product (Cerulean). You can read more about the deprecation on our website at We … [Read more...]
Oops! I Deleted My Blobs! What Can I Do?
Honestly, Nothing! But that’s before reading this post. After reading this post, you don’t have to worry about a thing. In this post we will talk about Soft Delete functionality recently announced by Azure Storage. This super cool functionality will protect your blobs against accidental (or … [Read more...]
Moving On – Goodbye Cerebrata, Hello Cynapta!
Today’s my last day at Cerebrata. Wow!!! It has been an incredible journey for the last 5 years. I vividly remember when around the same time 5 years ago, I told my team in the US about my decision to move back to India to “do my own thing”. I was not 100% sure what I’ll be doing; there was no … [Read more...]
Cerebrata Story – Customer Service
In this blog post, I will share our experience regarding the most important aspect of running a company – customer service. To me, nothing is more important for a company than to providing the best possible customer service. This alone makes or breaks a company. As a side note, personally I don’t … [Read more...]
Cerebrata Story – Team Management
In this post about my journey with Cerebrata, I will talk about team management (erstwhile known as Human Resource Management or at times in India as Personnel Management). Our team management policies are built around one simple principle: Karma is a bitch! You mess with karma and in time karma … [Read more...]
Cerebrata Story – Azure Management Cmdlets
Continuing Cerebrata journey, in this blog post I will describe how we built our 3rd product – Azure Management Cmdlets. In short this product contains a number of PowerShell Cmdlets for managing Windows Azure. Why Did We Build It? Only reason I could think of regarding building this product was … [Read more...]
Cerebrata Story–Azure Diagnostics Manager
Continuing Cerebrata journey, in this blog post I will describe how we built our 2nd product – Azure Diagnostics Manager. History During the public beta phase of Cloud Storage Studio (CSS) before PDC 2009, a number of our users asked us the build the capability of visualizing their cloud … [Read more...]
Cerebrata Story – Marketing
In the previous post about Cloud Storage Studio, I walked you through our experience about building a product and making it commercially available. Now we were left with a gigantic task – How to market the product? In this post I will talk about what all things we did for marketing our products … [Read more...]
Cerebrata Story–Cloud Storage Studio
In the last post about our Cloud Storage Studio/e product, I mentioned how we stopped working on that product in favor of a desktop based product. In this blog post, I will write some details about building a product which turned out to be the flagship product for Cerebrata – Cloud Storage … [Read more...]